During the night, the exhibition areas in and in front of the main building of the WCCB will be guarded by WCCB security staff. Unauthorized persons will be denied access. AFCEA accepts no liability for lost items.
If you consider additional stand-related security to be necessary for the guarding of stands with particularly valuable exhibits or exhibits requiring security, you can request additional security personnel from the WCCB project manager at your own expense.
As an exhibitor, please contact:
Sandro Ebeling
Projekmanager WCCB
+49 228 9267 1132 | s.ebeling(at)worldccbonn.com
Bonn Conference Center Management GmbH
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2 | 53113 Bonn | Germany
+49 228 9267 0 | info(at)worldccbonn.com
The engagement of another security company for your stand in the exhibition building and in the outdoor area is not permitted (uniformity of security).
Security services will be invoiced via AFCEA Bonn e.V.