Elettronica GmbH
Operating since 1978, Elettronica GmbH designs and develops mobile solutions for Public Security and Military Electronic Warfare applications, as well as Test &Evaluation capabilities.
Elettronica GmbH is presenting, at AFCEA Fachaustellung, its expertise in Test &Evaluation of EW/ISR systems and EW/ISR Integration on board Military Platforms withtwo leading products: the A20 mobile rack for Radar Signal Simulation and the Züsspower management system for military sensor-carrying vehicles.
Elettronica GmbH is part of Elettronica Group, leader in electromagnetic spectrumdominance and cyberspace security.
Dr. Marcello Mariucci
Geschäftsführer | Managing Director
Elettronica GmbH
Büro +49 (0) 2225 8806-12 | Fax +49 (0) 2225 8806-47
Am Hambuch 10, 53340 Meckenheim, Germany
www.elettronicagroup.com | www.elettronica.de