M4Com System GmbH
M4Com System GmbH is a system house, based in Baden-Württemberg Germany with over 20 years of experience in providing defence and security solutions for turnkey ISR process chains and ISR information management. M4Com solutions are designed for demanding and sovereign tasks in the markets of security, environment as well as for ES-emergency services.
- M4Com offers open, interoperable high-performance S/w and H/w technology for real-time information management and processing, in the areas Image Intelligence (IMINT) and Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) of manned and unmanned aerial reconnaissance platforms (UAS / RPAS) as well as land- or sea-based platforms.
- M4Com delivers ITAR-free, NATO STANAG compliant software solutions, each with open standard, generic interfaces cross-functional connection in a network-centric environment.
- M4Com provides conceptual advice, carries out standard evaluations, it-security evaluation and accreditations and implementations of studies for public clients.
- M4Com offers a comprehensive service for its products and systems.
M4Com claims system responsibility for complete mission systems from the sensor via data transmission, real-time evaluation / analysis, position presentation, information distribution and data storage, as well as the real-time access to mass data archives.
The provided systems are scalable from laptop-version up to multi-user exploitation-stations as well as from fixed room installations up to mobile solutions.
M4Com Client systems can be used in tactical, operative and also strategic missions to cover the entire operational TCPED[1] cycle:
- Planning/Tasking: Planning, creating, transferring of missions
- Sensor Control: Operating / controlling different sensors
- Command and Control: Coordinating and controlling of forces
- Collaboration: Joint exploitation in teams within network
- Exploitation: Multi-sensor exploitation, fusion, analysis of raw data
- Reporting, Messaging: Dissemination, export interoperable products
- Live Situational awareness: Display of sensor data and situation info
To enable networked operations management M4Com Server- and Cloud-based Backend systems are available:
- Big Data: Storage, processing and distribution of mass data in RT
- Storage and archive for raw and analyzed data
- Fast finding of longstanding data
- Intelligent search and analysis functions
- NEC: Networked enabled capabilities
- Multi-User real time access to incoming data
- Operates as stand-alone system as well as adaptable to existing infrastructures and on- and offline environments
To interconnect sensors to its dedicated Ground segment M4Com provides competitive Communication solutions
- LinkFinity: Full Duplex IP LOS datalink
Seit dem Jahr 2000 konzipiert, entwickelt und liefert M4Com erfolgreich geodätische Anwendungen für die verschiedensten Marktbereiche. M4Com unterstützt den Kunden unterschiedlichste Massendatenströme zu erfassen, zu analysieren, zu fusionieren sowie die gewonnenen Informationen weiter zu leiten. Die Mission von M4Com ist es den Kunden in die Lage zu versetzen, aufgrund der in Echtzeit gewonnenen Information umsichtigere und fundiertere Entscheidungen treffen zu können.
Als Systemhaus, welches sich mit der vollständigen Kette der Informationsgewinnung und -verteilung in Echtzeit beschäftigt, arbeitet M4Com vor allem bereichsübergreifend und anwendungsunabhängig. Eingesetzt werden M4Com Lösungen in der militärischen und zivilen Sicherheit sowie in den Bereichen Umwelt/Versorger und BOS.